The Rites of Sheep: Chlorophyll, Tik Tok, and Idiocracy

Recently, I had an article published by Better Marketing. There is a Tik Tok craze going on regarding chlorophyll. You can find the article in one of these following places. Better Marketing: Twitter: Facebook: Enjoy. Follow me on Medium @lee-hornbrook on my Publication Valley Dude. Lee

Stories on Medium in May 2020

Hello there! I published several stories on Medium in May. I’m trying to find a way to cross-post them without violating any Medium rules. There should be a way to export them so that the canonical URL stays with Medium, but I’m told that’s not possible. I would like to focus this blog on writingContinue reading “Stories on Medium in May 2020”

Stories on Medium for April 2020

Photo by Sincerely Media on Unsplash. In addition to this blog, A Word, Please, I also write stories on Medium as @lee_hornbrook. You can try Medium for free. You will get 5 free stories to check it out. But most of the content is behind the Medium paywall. For $5.00 a month, you get access to hundreds ofContinue reading “Stories on Medium for April 2020”

Discover Prompts-Day 30: Grateful

Photo by Gabrielle Henderson on Unsplash. I know that I have much to be grateful for in this life – a roof over my head, food in the cupboard and refrigerator, love in my life, a young dog. I’m not food insecure or housing insecure. Yet, I’m close to it. After a 33-year career in higher education, IContinue reading “Discover Prompts-Day 30: Grateful”

Discover Prompts-Day 29: List

Photo by Little John on Unsplash. For my entire life, I’ve been a list-maker. From the Book of Lists in the 70s and 80s to lists of games or pennies missing from a collection, or baseball cards, to daily to-do lists and master lists for large projects, I’m all about the list. I’m also a wizard of words,Continue reading “Discover Prompts-Day 29: List”

Discover Prompts – Day 28: Focus

Photo by Elena Taranenko on Unsplash. Recently, I had an emergency root canal. During the procedure, they handed me a small squeezy ball with an emblem of the world on it in relief. It was not soft and spongy but rather firm, though I could still squeeze it some. When I found it difficult to concentrate because ofContinue reading “Discover Prompts – Day 28: Focus”

Discover Prompts-Day 27: Team

Photo by Amanda Wolbert on Unsplash. My first love is baseball, but I didn’t start playing organizing Little League until I was 10 years old, a couple years later than my peers. I was a bit bigger than the 8 year olds, but very skinny. I was also a little stronger, so I could make the throw fromContinue reading “Discover Prompts-Day 27: Team”

Discover Prompts-Day 26: Hidden

Photo by Velizar Ivanov on Unsplash. The hidden life is anathema to healthy personal relationships. Couples or friends who hide or keep things from each other play dangerous games that lead to more overt and conscious forms of deception. Honesty has no limits, though it may be guarded by useful tact at times. I’ve never thought that anythingContinue reading “Discover Prompts-Day 26: Hidden”

Discover Prompts – Day 25: Magic

Photo by Almos Bechtold on Unsplash. My brother had a collection of magic tricks. He kept them in a large, worn orange box about the size used for cakes. It was deep and had tape on the corners of the lid to hold it together. It was forbidden for any of us to go in it. So ofContinue reading “Discover Prompts – Day 25: Magic”